Smallmouth Bass Fishing on Crooked Creek in Arkansas
Crooked Creek is a Ozark Zone Blue Ribbon Stream in the State of Arkansas that you can expect to catch numbers of Smallmouth Bass between 12 and 14 inches. Along with the occasional 18 inch plus fish on any given trip.
*Arkansas Fishing License is required if over 16 years of age. Fisherman are welcome to bring and use your personal Kayak
Guide will provide live bait throughout during the days fishing as well as the items below:
Lunch – Sandwiches or cold fried chicken.
Rods & Reels – Provided or bring your own.
Life Jackets-If using our Kayaks
Keeping fish – We do not keep Smallmouth Bass on our trips – Catch & Release Only
Kayaks- Use our Kayaks (+$25) or your own Personal Kayak
Shuttle Service for Clients car is provided
Cost is $450.00 for 2 people
Check out the link below to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commissions website. To see additional information about Crooked Creek.
*Fishing Licenses can be purchased either online at or at any Walmart in the State of Arkansas